Practicing experience

北京市中闻律师事务所  权益合伙人、律师、专利代理师

北京中北知识产权代理有限公司  专利代理师、股东

航天信息股份有限公司  硬件工程师


Partner of Beijing Zhongwen Law Firm

Patent attorney and shareholder in an IP company for foreign countries

Hardware engineer in a satellite communication company

  • practice areas:intellectual property
  • Office:Beijing Office
  • Email:fengmenghong@zwlawyer.com
  • Tel:010-51783518
  • Fax:010-51783636

Main performance
  • 2005年从业,2007年执业至今,共代理发明专利申请近3000件、实用新型专利申请近4000件、外观设计近千件、PCT国际阶段一百多件,复审无效多件,以及近百起著作权、商标权纠纷。
  • 为客户向欧洲、德国、美国、加拿大、日本、韩国、菲律宾、泰国、马来西亚、缅甸、俄罗斯、欧亚、蒙古、哈萨克斯坦、澳大利亚、新西兰、南非申请专利及获得权利保护。
  • 清华大学、北京大学代理中国和国外专利申请,保持超高授权率。
  • 长期为北京大学、北京航空航天大学、北京理工大学、北京师范大学、北京工业大学、北京印刷学院、兰州理工大学、海南大学代理国内外专利申请、复审,保持高授权率。
  • 长期为解放军总医院、北京协和医院、中日友好医院、北京朝阳医院、南京鼓楼医院办理国内外专利事务、著作权案件,获得高度赞誉。
  • 王某与智联招聘专利侵权纠纷案中,为智联招聘代理,使北京市知识产权局停止对智联招聘的行政处罚,避免一百万的损失。
  • 代表北京康祝医疗器械有限公司成功无效黄某的真空罐外观设计专利。
  • 拉森(北京)溢油应急环保技术有限公司多项溢油回收的专利被竞争对手请求无效,面临市场被对手抢占的风险,为拉森公司全面代理,使其所有专利在对手两轮无效请求中均维持了全部有效,从而能够继续独占市场,避免近2亿的损失。
  • 为民航局空中交通管理局、民航数据公司代理数十起著作权案件,成功维护了客户的著作权。


  • From 2005 till now, I’ve done more than 2000 invention applications, nearly 4,000 utility model applications, nearly 1000 design applications, nearly 100 PCT of the international phase, many invalidations and reexaminations, and nearly 100 copyright and trademark disputes.
  • Cooperate with foreign attorney to achieve patents and rights protection from Europe, Germany, the United States, Canada, Japan, Korea, Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, Myanmar, Russia, Eurasia, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa.
  • Done patent applications for Tsinghua University,Peking University,  and maintained 100% authorization rate.
  • Long-term patent application agency for Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing Normal University, Beijing University of Technology, Lanzhou University of Technology and Hainan University, maintaining a high authorization rate.
  • Long-term patent application agency for State Grid Corporation of China, maintaining a high authorization rate.
  • Handled domestic and foreign patent affairs and copyright cases for the PLA General Hospital, Beijing Union Medical College Hospital, China Japan Friendship Hospital, Beijing Chaoyang Hospital and Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital for a long time, and won high praise.
  • A series of utility model patents of Beijing Tianming Xingye Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd. were invalidated, and as the agent of the patentee Tianming Co., Ltd. maintained the validity of patent rights.
  • In-depth cooperation with SAIC-GM-Wuling Automobile to fully represent all kinds of intellectual property business, including patent applications in China and abroad, copyright, invalidation.
  • In the case of patent infringement disputes between Ms.Wang and Zhi Lian recruitment company, as the agent of Zhi Lian recruitment company, successfully stopped the administrative punishment to Zhi Lian recruitment company by the Beijing Intellectual Property Bureau.
  • On behalf of Beijing Kangzhu Medical Devices Co., Ltd. to request Mr.Huang's patent for the design of vacuum tank is invalid, and succeed.
  • Larson (Beijing) oil spill emergency environmental protection technology Co., Ltd. has a number of patents for oil spill recovery that have been requested by competitors to be invalid. Facing the risk that the market will be preempted by competitors, it has fully represented Larson so that all its patents remain valid in two rounds of invalid requests from competitors, so that it can continue to dominate the market and avoid losses of nearly 200million yuan.
  • Represented dozens of copyright cases for the Air Traffic Management Bureau of the Civil Aviation Administration and the civil aviation data company, and successfully maintained the copyright of customers.


北京理工大学  工学硕士

北京理工大学  工学学士


M.S. Beijing Institute of Technology, in Electrical Engineering

B.S. Beijing Institute of Technology, in Electrical Engineering

Social position



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